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Failed Computer Software Engineer Symptoms

Features that a failure computer software engineer. Why Mostly computer software engineers failed? 1) The StackOverflow bot:  This person ran into an error, did a quick Google search, and applied the first solution they found. The problem here is not that of copying from Stackoverflow. I think there are more solutions on Stackoverflow than any reference guide or manual. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful resource, if not the best. The problem is the robotic application of it without understanding the consequences. The problem is the application of it without fully understanding the context of it and whether it really applies to the current problem at hand. More often than not, I have seen people believe more of what they see on online forums than the code/system in front of them. 2) The I-am-not-a-tester:  I don’t need to test the code, that is the job of the testers. I don’t think that even in this age of mature Agile methodologies, this attitude has waned

How To Build audience by A News Portal That generate Leads And Builds Profits

Content marketing and how can you make more profits using it? Content marketing is a marketing trick that enables your business to attract new business and build up your brand recognition by offering helpful information to prospective customers in a neutral but convincing format. The most up-to-date studies indicate that potential customers find old school advertisements invasive. Even sponsored online content -- articles that are highly self-promotional -- is being favored over contentional advertising. This is where content marketing comes into play. As reported by Roper Public Affairs research firm, 80 % of business decision makers favor getting company related news from articles instead of advertisements. 70 % state that content marketing makes them feel closer to the company publishing the content. And, more than 60 percent say that content marketing assists to make greater purchasing decisions. There are literally more than twenty commonly used content marketing instruments

7 points that people hate about your website while visiting

When you're browsing the web — whether online shopping or information-gathering — what's the one thing that drives you crazy about the sites you visit? Chances are, it's something that interrupts your user experience. Anything from a site that takes to long to load to an ill-placed advertisement can leave a sour taste in your mouth. Here's a list of the seven things people hate most about a bad website. Read on, and tell us in the comments what you think takes the cake for worst website offense. 1. There is too much text On average, users only read 28% of words on a page — so make them count. Provide text where it's needed, but try to convey additional information in different, more dynamic ways. Outfit your site with pictures and informational videos. These engaging alternatives attract users, and can dramatically boost your conversion rates.  2. It takes too long to load You've heard it a hundred times before: we're living in a society of instan

How to fight against hackers and spammers

Network security isn’t what it used to be. For decades, industrial networks were not connected to the outside world. So, security was a team of guards. Over the past 15 years, the advantages of connectivity outside the plant became too important to ignore. For the first 10 years of outside connectivity, cyber security was simple – if awkward, since plant computers could not be patched overnight in a world of continuous operation. Initially, attacks were fairly straightforward. Viruses often had the simple objective of capturing attention or being mildly disruptive. Network intrusion attempts could be identified and blocked at the perimeter. In the last five years, we’ve seen a surge in sophisticated and malicious hackers who want to disrupt production or steal recipes. * Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessib

How to build a trustworthy eCommerce website

you built your eCommerce site, optimized everything for SEO, created a perfect design, but you still have trouble converting your site visitors. Your problem could very well be that you need to make your website more trustworthy. A website that doesn't look credible can lead to high bounce rates, low conversion rates, and a high rate of shopping cart abandonment. There are a lot of small things that add up to a website that people trust. This post will go through the three main areas of your eCommerce website that you should work on in order to achieve this: your homepage and landing pages, your product pages, and your check out process. By following this guide you will be able to make your website more trustworthy. Build a Trustworthy Homepage to Decrease Bounce Rates Your landing page is the first impression your site visitors will have of your website, which means it is the first place you need to focus on building trust. If your site doesn’t look good from the get g