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Showing posts with the label icici payment gateway

7 points that people hate about your website while visiting

When you're browsing the web — whether online shopping or information-gathering — what's the one thing that drives you crazy about the sites you visit? Chances are, it's something that interrupts your user experience. Anything from a site that takes to long to load to an ill-placed advertisement can leave a sour taste in your mouth. Here's a list of the seven things people hate most about a bad website. Read on, and tell us in the comments what you think takes the cake for worst website offense. 1. There is too much text On average, users only read 28% of words on a page — so make them count. Provide text where it's needed, but try to convey additional information in different, more dynamic ways. Outfit your site with pictures and informational videos. These engaging alternatives attract users, and can dramatically boost your conversion rates.  2. It takes too long to load You've heard it a hundred times before: we're living in a society of instan...

ICICI Opencart Payment Gateway Kit @ RS. 500.

ICICI Payment Gateway Opencart Kit @ RS. 500. first copy the keyfile in root directory then copy a folder named sfa into root >> system folder put your cacert.pem file to root >> system >>sfa folder then in sfa folder open a file named 'EncryptionUtil.php' in this file 45 or 46 line change your keyfile name Admin part ICICI Payment Gateway Opencart copy the admin language file icici.php from adminlanguage folder to admin/language/english/payment/icici.php copy the admin controller file icici.php from admincontoller folder to admin/controller/payment/icici.php copy the admin view file icici.tpl from adminview folder to admin/view/template/payment/icici.tpl Frontent Enter Catalog folder copy the frontend controller file icici.php from catalogcontoller folder to catalog/controller/payment/icici.php copy the frontend model file icici.php from catalogmodel folder to catalog/model/payment/icici.php copy the frontend view file i...