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Showing posts with the label icici-eazypay-return-url

icici eazy pay return url choose static or dynamic while register merchant

 Icici eazy pay return url choose static or dynamic while register merchant. Here we go in this article we will discuss about return url for icici eazy pay payment gateway, while making merchant registration. Now lets discuss what is static url and what is dynamic url ? Static url is fixed url that you will not able to change from your end, if you choose static url as return url that means now it will be fix and you can not change it, all the return url request will return with this fixed url. If you choose dynamic url while register your merchant account with iciceazypay you have option to choose dynamically url while configure your module or plugin to your CRM while using icici eazy pay. with dynamic url now you are free to choose what ever url you want to use for return parameter handling. icici eazy pay return url choose static or dynamic while register merchant Now Few sample of  recommended return url if you need any help regard...