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Showing posts from March, 2014

11 Ways to Boost Traffic to Your Company Blog

What's a content marketer to do? Here are 11 ways that companies of any size can use to drive much more traffic to their blog. 1. Start with SEO I know you've got an SEO keyword list in someone’s Dropbox folder — you may even have an agency helping out to hone and manage the list. Just make sure whoever is responsible for writing blog posts has access to it and is referencing the list for headlines, section titles, links, etc. 2. Enable Social Sharing Are you making it easy for blog visitors to share posts on social media? Are social sharing widgets prominently placed and easy to find? And don’t forget to offer the option to share on LinkedIn and Google plus. Include the sharing widgets on the blog summary page too, since many folks share based on headlines — even if they don’t end up reading the full post. 3. Write From Your Prospects’ Perspective This one continues to be a struggle for B2B marketers. Here’s an easy way to think about it: write your blog p...